Sunday, November 20, 2011

If I were to learn a martial art for self-defense...

I have been attending a teaching course, the most recent one being about effective presentation skills. One of the recent assignments was to do a 10 minute talk on a topic of our choice.

I decided to do a talk about Wing Tsun Kung Fu. It was a combination of powerpoint slides to outline the history of WT, a short demo of the four principles of combat and strength, and a worksheet/handout.

One of the pre-presentation questions on the worksheet was to complete the following sentence:

If I were to learn a martial art for self-defense, I would want it to be...

These were the answers from the group:
- non strength dependent
- easy to learn
- proven effectiveness
- non-violent
- easy to apply

And also a footnote: *in an unfit person

Does your training fit with this small survey of answers?

Happy training!