Si-Fu Ralph Haenel of Wing Tsun Kung Fu Vancouver blew us
away in 2014 with multiple seminars. In
addition to reviewing Chi Sau sections, we had various firsts: Long Pole and Bart Cham Dao.
If that was not enough, in 2015 Sifu Ralph started teaching
us Wooden Dummy Chi Sau sections.
Certainly, we have had classes before about applications from various
parts of the Wooden Dummy form. Also,
one could also argue that sections are just created and not needed. But everything we do is fabricated. There must be a reason? The more obvious reason is that the sections
again allow a catalogue/reference point, just as the other forms and Chi-Sau
sections do. It is also how amazing that all the training programs link together very well.
More importantly, as with everything we do in training or learning, there must
be some translation to applications or improvements to our Wing Tsun (or
whatever you are training for).
So, over the last month I have been trying to formulate how
the Wooden Dummy Chi Sau sections help us improve. I think this will take some time though, to
digest and analyze (probably a lifetime).
One of the key ideas I’ve had is: Cross-referencing.
Emphasis of certain
ideas from other sections
Time and time again we work on forward pressure. I found that this section helped once again
emphasize the importance of forward pressure that deflects yet redirects at the
right moment. That right moment was more
prolonged in the other sections. With
the Wooden Dummy Chi-Sau that time period for deflecting/redirecting seems much
shorter. With the goal of being more
direct and effective.
Are we able to translate this concept and improve other WT
Extension of further
concepts from other sections or programs
Many of the movements in the Wooden Dummy Chi-Sau sections are
already shown in various other training, including the 3 forms, different programs
(e.g. BlitzDefense), various exercises (e.g. Student level 3 Pak-Sau), or Chi-Sau
sections (e.g. Section 1 Fook Sau
cycle). But, just as how training Biu-Dje
Chi-Sau should change the way we move or function, shouldn’t training Wooden
Dummy Chi-Sau also do the same?
I think it will change the way we move. So much that, in a sense, it isn’t
necessarily a visible change but one that the opposing partner/opponent
feels. At least when we get through the
visible growing pains. So, in the end, it
won’t necessarily be a “Wooden Dummy technique” that is used, but so-called
“Basic” ones that are done with that structure, form, and added shocking-power
all gained from training on the Wooden Dummy, the Chi-Sau sections, and
Work on footwork and
The theory I’ve heard before is that the Bart Cham Dao and
Wooden Dummy has “advanced footwork.”
Yet, in the early student programs, we work on: forward step, turning stance, 90/180 degree
turns, zig-zag step, crossing step, etc.
They are all there. Why should we
be excited to learn Wooden Dummy Chi-Sau then?
Because it is awesome and higher-level and we are now all close to being
masters, isn’t it? Well, if we can’t
drive an old VW Beetle, we can’t necessarily drive a Ferrari well. So, I guess the lesson is don’t forget the
Yes, that pair of Bart Cham Dao is sitting on the couch
and very accessible to pick up and practice the form. But what about those footwork drills, or those
“basic” exercises from the 21-Steps Seminar?
Disconnecting and reconnecting, turning in tighter quarters,
all need an even better stance than before.
Stay tuned for future posts about how I’ve been working on stance and
balance, outside of regular WT training…
Different kind of
bridging, sort of…
In Chum Kiu training we learn to seek the bridge or building
one. Hopefully only a 1-way bridge, for
us. In Wooden Dummy training it appears
that there can be often a (physical) disconnection, followed by a re-connection
via another bridge. Hopefully again a
1-way bridge, for us.
I think it would be useful to go back to the foundations of
Chum Kiu and understand what makes a good bridge. Then revisit the Wooden Dummy applications again.
Finally, the fear and
the risk of learning new Chi-Sau sections
Practicing the dance but not the applications.
Do you remember first feeling awkward with Chi-Sau? Then it becomes easier, and then you start
learning the sections?
I can still remember testing for student level ?6/7 with the
first WT Chi-Sau section. Did it so smoothly,
just like a well-oiled machine. Of course! Because I tested with one of the same
training partners I trained with day-in and day-out. Practicing choreography is no different. Did I know how to apply all the parts? Perhaps partly, but of course, years later on
looking back, not as effective as I could have been.
An obvious tip that can help? Train with different partners, of different
sizes and strengths/weaknesses. It’ll
open up new “mistakes” and prevent us from practicing choreography.
Happy training!
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